Sunday, 21 November 2021

Sem I Unit I : Nature of Mathematics




·      Meaning and Definition of Mathematics

Mathematics is derived from the Greek letter ‘Mathema’. It means science, learning and knowledge or ‘Mathematikos’ means fund of learning.

Mathematics means that the science of numbers and space or the science of measurement and quantity. It is a systemized, organized and exact branch of science. it deals with quantitative facts, relationships as well as the problems involving the space and form. It is a logical study of shape, arrangement and quantity.

        Mathematics is a science that involves dealing with numbers, different kind’s of calculations, measurement of shapes and structures, organization and interpretation of data and establishing relationship among variables, etc.

        Pythagoreans (Pythagoras and his followers) coined the term, Mathematics, which is derived from the Greek word “Manthanein” means learning ‘Technne” means an art or technique which means” inclined to learn” or “art of learning”

·      Definitions

1.     The Science of quantity”- Aristotle

2.     “Mathematics is the Gateway and key to all science” – Bacon 

3.     “Mathematics is the indispensable instrument of all physical researches”- Kant

4.     “Mathematics is the queen of sciences and arithmetic is the queen of all mathematics”- Gauss

5.     “Mathematics is the gateway and key to all sciences”- Bacon

6.     “Mathematics is the study of abstract system built of abstract elements. These elements are not described in concrete fashion”- Marshal. H. Stone

7.     “Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about nor whether what we are saying true”- Bertrand Russell

8.     “Mathematics is a way to settle in the mind of children a habit of reasoning”- Locke

9.     “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe”- Galileo

10.   “Our entire civilization depending on the intellectual penetration and utilization of nature has its real foundation in the mathematical sciences”- Prof. Voss

11.   “Mathematics is the science that draws necessary conclusions”- Benjamin Peirce

12.   “Mathematics is the science of indirect measurement”- Comete

13.   “Mathematics is the science of number and space”- Dictionary Meaning

14.   “Mathematics is the language of physical science and certainly no more marvelous language created by the mind of man”- Lindsay

15.   “Mathematics is a science of order and measure”- Descrates

16.   “Mathematics is the study of quantity”- Aristotle

17.   “Mathematics is an expression of the human mind which reflects the active will, the contemplative reason and desire for aesthetics perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generally and individually”- Courant and Robin

18.   “Mathematics is engaged in fact, in the profound study of art expression of beauty”- J.B.Shaw

19.  “Mathematics should be visualized as the vehicle to train a child to think , reason, analyse and articulate logically. Apart from being a specific subject, it should be treated as a concomitant to any subject involving analysis and meaning” (National Policy on Education, 1986)

On the basis of above definition-

  • o   Mathematics is the science of space and number
  • o   Mathematics is the science of calculations
  • o   Mathematics is the science of measurement, quantity and magnitude
  • o   Mathematics deals with quantitative facts and relationships
  • o   Mathematics is the abstract form of science
  • o   Mathematics is a science of logical reasoning
  • o   Mathematics settles in the mind habit of reasoning
  • o   Mathematics is an inductive and experimental science
  • o   Mathematics is the science which draws necessary conclusions
  • o   Mathematics helps in solving the problem of our life
  • o   Mathematics has its own language- signs, symbols, terms and operations etc.
  • o   Mathematics involves high cognitive powers of human being


·Nature of Mathematics- Mathematics as a Science, Mathematics as a game, Mathematics as a language, Mathematics as a tool, Difference between Mathematical science and basic science


*    Mathematics as a Science

According to E.E. Biggs, “Mathematics is the discovery of relationships and expression of those relationships in symbolic form. In words, in numbers, in letters, by diagrams (or) by graphs. “An Whitehead states that “Every child should experience the joy of discovery”. Mathematics gives an easy and early opportunity to make independent discoveries. Today it is discovery of techniques, which are making spectacular progress. They are being applied in two fields: in pure number relationships and in everyday problems like money, weights and measures

Mathematics is a science of space, number, magnitude and measurement. It has its own language which consists of mathematical terms, concepts, principles, theories, formulae, symbols etc. it is a systemized, organized and exact branch of science. Mathematics involves conventions of abstract concepts into concrete form and it is the science of logical reasoning. It does not leave any doubts in the mind of learner about theories, principles, concepts, etc. Mathematics helps to develop the habit of self-confidence and self- reliance in children and in development of sense of appreciation among children. It also helps to develop scientific attitude among children. Mathematics knowledge is exact systematic logical and clear. So that once it is captured it can ever forgotten. Mathematical rules, laws and formulae are universal and that can be verified at any place and time.


*     Mathematics is an intellectual game

Mathematics can be treated as an intellectual game with its own rules and abstract concepts. Mathematics is mainly a matter of puzzles, paradoxes and problem solving- a sort of healthy method & exercise. As a game, it gives better achievement, motivation, mental exercise, independents, meaningful creativities, interesting, developing and discovering mentality and 3’H’ Coordination (Head, Heart and Hand).

*    Mathematics as a language

The most distinguishing characteristic of mathematics is its unique language and symbolism. Man has the ability to assign symbols for objects and ideas, and mathematics language is one among the marvelous language developed by the mind of man. The special feature of the language of mathematics is defined by the specialty of their numbers and symbols. We are using language for the purpose of interaction and communication. The language of mathematics has its own grammar. This might have uses of counting comparing lengths etc. involved in exchange of commodities required for day-to-day life. The nature of language of mathematics has been influenced by all these factors in mathematics, we are using mathematics language. A very important feature of such symbolic language is that those symbols can be convey conventionary accepted meanings approved by all societies. The language mathematics has its own grammar. In fact, symbolism insists on precision and accuracy, straight forwardness brevity insistence on logic and reasoning, universality etc. are some of the qualities of the language of mathematics.

According to Lidsay “Mathematical is the language of physical sciences and certainly no more marvelous language was ever created by the mind of man”. Mathematical symbols can put the lengthy statements, accurately and in exact form, in a very brief description. For example, if we wish to say that the sum of the squares of two sides of a right-angled triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse, then we can write it in mathematical language or symbolic forms as c2= a2 + b2.

Mathematics language is symbolic, precise and exact.

Mathematics language is peculiar because

Ø  It reduces the length of the statements and brings clarity and preciseness in expression

Ø  Mathematical results are made exact and readily useful because of the mathematical language

Ø  Many complicated problems can be easily solved when expressed in mathematical language

Ø  Later progress of a learner is highly determined by the learner’s ability to apply the mathematics language and symbols

Ø  Most of the scientific inventions are expressed through mathematical language and symbols

As the list of symbols of mathematics language is so vast, it is very difficult to prepare a comprehensive list. In the absence of any clear understanding, they try to cram the statements and try to use these symbols mechanically, without much understanding. They begin to lose interest in the subject which appears to them, dull and boring. So, teachers should train the pupils in the use of mathematical language and symbols. They should learn to appreciate the beauty, precision and exactness of mathematical language and symbolism.

*    Mathematics as a tool

Mathematics is an interdisciplinary language and tool. Like reading and writing. Mathematics is an important component of learning and doing in each academic discipline. Mathematics is such a useful tool that is consider one of the basic more formal education systems. Mathematics is a tool of science. Mathematics   is a tool to understanding the world one which should work for all students in one community. Students are using mathematics to justify conclusions and making relationships between different ideas. Mathematics is more than a tool embedded deeply in nature of reality.

*   Science and Mathematics

Mathematics and science have many features in common. Science provides mathematics with interesting problem to investigate and mathematics provides science as a powerful tool to use analyzing data. Science and mathematics both aim to discover the general pattern and relationship. In this sense they are parts of same endeavor. According to New English Dictionary,” Mathematics- in a strict sense- is the abstract science which investigates deductively the conclusions implicit in the elementary conception of spatial and numerical relations”.30

Difference between Mathematical science and basic science




Reason explanations

Hypothetical reasoning


Logical thinking theories


Reason Explanations

Hypothetical reasoning


Logical thinking Theories


Atomism Objectising Materialism

Concretising Determinism


Analogical thinking



Atomism Objectising

Materialisation Symbolising

Analogical thinking Precise Measurable Accuracy Coherence Fruitfulness Parsimony Identifying problem


Prediction Mastery over environment knowing

Rules Security Power



Prediction Mastery over Problems Knowing Rules

Paradigms Circumstance of activity


Growth Questioning

Cumulative development of knowledge Generalisation



Growth Cumulative development of knowledge Generalisation Deepened understanding Plausible alternatives


Facts Universality

Articulation individual liberty demonstration Sharing Verification



Articulation Sharing Credibility Individual liberty Human construction.


Abstractness World Unclear origins


Dehumanised knowledge




Intuition Guesses Day dreams Curiosity Fascination




·                Nature of Mathematics


Ø    Mathematics is a science of space, number, magnitude and measurement

Ø    Mathematics has its own language which consists Mathematical terms, concepts, principles, theories, formulae and symbols etc.

Ø    Mathematics is a systematized, organized and exact branch of science

Ø    Mathematics involves conversation of abstract concepts into concrete form

Ø    Mathematics is the science of logical reasoning

Ø    Mathematics does not leave any doubt in the mind of learner about the theories, principles, concepts etc.

Ø    Mathematics helps to develop the habits of self-confidence and self-reliance of children

Ø    Mathematics helps in the development of sense of appreciation among the children

Ø    Mathematics helps to develop scientific attitude among the children

Ø    The study of mathematics gives the training of scientific method to the children

Ø    Mathematical knowledge is based on sense organs

Ø    It gives accurate and reliable knowledge

Ø    Mathematical knowledge is exact systematic logical and clear so that once it is captures it can never be forgotten

Ø    Mathematical rules laws and formulae and universal that can be verified at any place and time

Ø    It develops the ability of induction, deduction and generalization

Ø    Mathematical language is well defined useful and clear

Ø    It draws numerical inferences on the basis of given information and data

Ø    Mathematical language is applied in the study of science and in its different branches

Ø    It is not only use for different branches of science but also helps in its progress and organization

Ø    Mathematics is a science of precision and accuracy

Ø    Mathematics is an intellectual game

Ø    Mathematics is science of discovery

Ø    Mathematics is a study of structure

Ø    It develops critical thinking

Ø    It helps in the development of scientific attitude among children

Ø    Mathematical knowledge is exact, systematic, logic and clear

Ø    Mathematical rules, laws and formulae are universal and well accepted that can be verified at any place and time

Ø   It develops the ability of induction and deduction



§  Precision and Accuracy

Mathematics is an exact science which is either true or wrong.  Precision means when we approximating the apparent error is named as precision and relative error means accuracy.

§  Logical Sequence

Inter dependance of subject assigning mathematics there we can see logical sequence is subject like arithmetic, algebra, geometry and calculus

§  Applicability

All the results in mathematics can apply real and actual situations especially the fields of agriculture, computers, physics, aeronautics, cryptography, economics and also real-life situations.

§  Generalization and classification

By using induction method, the results of mathematics can be generalized easily. Based on the generalization or based on same characteristics we can easily classify the concepts in mathematics. Eg.-open sets, closed sets

§  It has a language and special symbolism

§  Abstractness

§  Structure of mathematics

A mathematical structure is a set with various associated mathematical objects such as subjects, sets of subjects, operations and relations, all which must satisfy various requirements. The collection of associated mathematical objects is called structure and the set is called the underlining set.

§  Rigour and logic

§  Objectivity and predictability

§  Free from social influences (universal)

§  Selfcontained

§  Interconnected structures

§  Simplicity and accuracy of reasoning

§  Originality of thinking

§  Similarity to the reasoning of daily life

§  Certainty of results


·            Pure and applied Mathematics

Pure Mathematics

Pure mathematics involves systematic and deductive reasoning, pure mathematics deals with exact statements, concepts and theories which are disconnected from perception. Of course, starting made with perceptual concepts. These are so mathematised that these ceases to be perceptual. It treats only theories and principles without regard to their application to concrete things. It consists of all those assertions as that, if such and such another proposition is rue of that thing. It is developed on an abstract, selfcontained basis without any consideration of its possible application if any.

        It is a field of mathematics that studied entirely abstract concepts.

        This was a recognizable category of mathematical activity from the 19th century onwards.

        Pure mathematics includes systematic and deductive reasoning.

        It treats only theories and principles without regard to their application to concrete things

        It deals with statements concepts and theories which are disconnected from perception.

Applied Mathematics

It is the application of pure mathematics in the real world. It considers those parts of mathematical theories that have certain direct or practical application to objects and happening in the material world. It plays a great role in the development of various subjects. Principles of applied mathematics have seen useful in the investigation of such phenomenon as heat, sound, astronomy, navigation etc. Making use of pen and paper, we can weigh the earth, prepare for any space flight, determine the paths of planets, solve complicated problems of business in the international world. Applied Mathematics thus helps in solving the intricate problems of the physical world.

In the beginning, man studied only those mathematical structures which were isomorphic to the structures of relationships in nature and soon turned into abstraction. According to Dantzigs, “Applied Mathematics is like wine which becomes pure in course of time

 The relationship is beautifully illustrated by Synge as follows

Ø  A dive from the world of reality into the world of mathematics.

Ø  A swim in the world of Mathematics.

Ø  A climb from the world of mathematics back into the world of reality carrying the prediction in teeth.

Thus, Applied Mathematics acts as a bridge to link pure mathematics with physical, biological, social science etc. It acts and reacts not only on science and technology but also pure mathematics Eg: fluid dynamics, space dynamics, mathematical biology, mathematical economics

Relation between Pure and Applied mathematics

Pure mathematics involves systematic and deductive reasoning. Quite often certain structures are discovered in social and physical sciences and a pure mathematician makes an effort to develop some parallel structures are discovered in social and physical science and a pure mathematics makes an effort to develop some parallel structures in mathematics. Many theories and structures of pure mathematics later on find many and applications which were not known at the time of their invention. Taking the example of complex numbers, we find that these numbers are widely used and they find intensive application in electricity, radio etc.

Mathematical system

        Undefined terms

        Defined terms

        Axioms or Postulates


Undefined terms

        In mathematical system we come across many terms which cannot be precisely defined.

        The choice of the undefined terms is completely arbitrary and generally to facilitate the development of the structure Eg: point, line, plane, variable, number…

Defined terms

        We defined the other terms of mathematical system in terms of undefined terms.

        Eg: angle, line segment, circle …are some terms, which have been defined with the with the help of undefined terms and defined terms we develop statements concerning mathematical principles

These statements are of two kinds

  1. Statements accepted without proof which are called postulates or axioms
  2. Statements which are proved using the undefined terms, definitions, postulates and accepted rules of logic, such statements are known as theorems.

·            Role of axioms and postulates

Axioms and Postulates

        Euclid in his book “ELEMENTS”, presents certain assumptions that are self-evident truth or obvious and hence no need of proofs is generally.


        That is an axiom is a mathematical fact to be accepted without proof

        That is generally true for any field

        Impossible to proove from other axioms.

        Conformity by common experience of judgment

        The axioms of a mathematical system are like the rules of a game. They are the ‘arbitrary starting points’ from which a mathematical system can be developed.

        Oxford dictionary definition: A statement or preposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

        Cambridge dictionary definition: A statement or principle that is generally accepted to be true, but need not be so.

        Eg: the part is smaller than the whole,

        Halves of equals are equal.

        Things that coincide with one another are equal to one another

        The equals are added to equals the result will be equal


A postulate is a self-evident problem assumed without proof.

Euclid separated 5 items from axioms as those had special significance in Geometry and called them as postulates.

Specially defined for geometry

Oxford dictionary definition: A thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion or believe.

Cambridge dictionary definition: To suggest a theory, idea etc. As the basic principle from which a further idea is formed or developed.


1.     Given two distinct points there is a unique (one and only one) line passing through them.

2.     A finite straight line can be produced indefinitely

3.     A circle can be drawn with any center and only one radius

4.     All right angles are equal to one another

5.     Parallel postulate:    If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, the two straight lines produces indefinitely meet on that side on which the sum of angles have been found to be less than two right angles.


Cambridge dictionary definition: A formal statement that can shown to be true by logic

Oxford dictionary definition: A general preposition not self-evident, but proved by a chain of reasoning; truth established by means of accepted truths.

Eg: Pythagoras theorem, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic etc.


·            Fundamental branches of Mathematics (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry)- Origin, nature of content link between the branches


·            Correlation of mathematics with other subjects and real life


Teaching of mathematics is done keeping in view its correlation with other subjects. It helps understanding of subject-matter by the students. It is possible to correlate different experiences and at the same time, allow different aptitudes and inclinatons to work with coordination and correlation. The mind of the students works in such manner that he can understand a subject that is being taught, keeping in view its correlation with other subjects. Such a teaching brings a healthy development of personality.



       I.          Correlation of different branches of mathematics

   II.          Correlation of mathematics with other subjects

    III.          Correlation of mathematics with daily life


Correlation of different branches of mathematics

          Mathematics is a sequence subject. Here the study of one topic depends upon the learning of other topics. Therefore, it is essential that there must be an orderly treatment of the subject showing the relationship of one topic with another. Study in any branch of the subject Mathematics should be so planned that its different topics may appear to have proper links with each other and learning of one topic may stimulate and necessitate the need other and studying other topics. The teacher should try to impart the knowledge of a particular topic only after establishing sufficient base for the study of that topic. He should also try to make the students realise the importance of studying other topics in a particular sequence. For example, L.C.M. is useful in adding and subtracting factors. It should be taught when the need for adding fractions with different denominators arises. Similarly in the study of algebra, teaching of formulae and equations must be made the centre of learning. All the other topics like four fundamental rules, simplifications, factorization, removal of brackets etc. should eventually revolve round this centre. Actually, speaking when we teach a particular topic in any branch of mathematics, we have to base its learning on the previous related topics and at the same time it is to be made a base for the study of the topics taught in future. Briefly, the different topics in a branch must be so correlated as to bring out clearly the objects of teaching the whole subject. At any juncture, the teaching of mathematics should portray a clear picture of integration and correlation in such a way that the different topics of a branch may appear to be the different pearls of one and the same necklace.


Correlation of mathematics with other subjects


§  Correlation of mathematics with Physical science and Biological sciences:

Some quotes are given below which give an idea of correlation of mathematics with Physical and Biological sciences.

All scientific education which does not commence with mathematics is, of necessity, defective at its foundation” Comte

“A natural science is a science only in so far as it is mathematical”. Kant

“Mathematics is the indispensable instrument of all physical research” Berthelot

“Mathematics is the gate and key of sciences” Roger Bacon

§  Correlation between mathematics and Physics

For higher education in physics, a good knowledge of mathematics is quite helpful. All the laws of physics are expressed in mathematical language. To solve numerical problems in physics we need a good knowledge of mathematics. In physics we have to be mathematically accurate e.g., launching of satelites on the moon required right amount of thrust in rockets, accuracy in time and speed, angle of launching, shape to provide minimum friction and so many other calculations. Working of a machine is possible when there is proper adjustment of its components. Principles of Physics are presented in a workable form. Some more examples are as under:

         S = ut +  ft2

         V=u + ft

Where the symbols have their usual meanings

         G = K

The law of lever is based on the simple mathematical principle of balance of the sides of an equation. The units of measurement are frequently used in physics. Tables of specific heat, latent heat and melting points are prepared with the help of mathematics.

§  Correlation between mathematics and Chemistry

According to J. W. Mellor, “It is almost impossible to follow the later developments of physical or general chemistry without a working knowledge of higher mathematics”.

All chemical combinations are governed by certain mathematical laws. All chemical compounds have their constituent elements in a definite ratio, eg. In synthesis of water, we take two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen under suitable chemical conditions. Chemical equations are balanced by counting the number of atoms on either side.

         In the structure of atom, there are some set relations concerning electrons, protons etc. valencies of elements have a mathematical base. Molecular weights of organic compounds are calculated mathematically.

§  Correlation between mathematics and Biology

" In mathematics we find the primitive source of rationality and to mathematics must the biologist resort for means to carry on their visit us " A. Comet

 Mathematical principles find many applications in observing and interpreting certain phenomena. Defer nominal are described, classified and compared for generalizing and deriving a biological law. Life processes are the most intricate of all-natural phenomena e.g., composition of animal and plant cells is studied and expressed clearly and concisely in a simple intelligible language. Mathematics provides a brief and precise expression of ideas.

         Moreover, study of Biology depends upon its branches - Biophysics and Biochemistry. Both these branches use mathematics on a wide scale. Recently biomathematics has also started to grow and this is an important field of study for Biologists.

         Various experiments in Biology also need analysis. For many a complex problem the solutions can be found only be used of methods of statistics. Just 8 used this method for measurement of Inheritance of stature of children and stature of their parents. He found this Koi option to be 2/3.

The Schultz- Borissoff Law after the Action of Enzymes such as pepsin and rennin is expressed by the formula

where x= amount of substance transferred.

         t= time of transformation

         f= concentration of enzyme

         g=initial concentration of substrate (e.g. albumin of milk) K is a constant.


§   Correlation between Mathematics and Engineering

 Mathematics is considered to be the foundation of Engineering. Engineering has been defined as, " the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man ".

         For admission to any engineering courses only those students are eligible who have of mathematics course at the qualifying class. In various engineering courses we deal with surveying, levelling, designing, estimating, construction etc. and for all these knowledges of mathematics is essential. In all the branches of Engineering such as civil, mechanical, electrical etc. mathematical principles are directly involved. It is possible to increase the durability of a product by the application of geometrical principles. Mathematical knowledge can also be used in verification of results in engineering. All this is enough to bring to fore the close relation between mathematics and engineering.

 Mathematics forms the foundation for architecture. Geometrical concepts like measurements, area, volume, angle, symmetry, proportion, Golden Ratio, co-ordinate geometry is used in modern and ancient architecture. One can observe mathematical principles in the great Constructions which always attracted human minds. The Great Wall of China, the pyramids, Taj Mahal, the parthenon and the Colosseum are a few among them.

§   Correlation between Mathematics and Agriculture

 Agriculture as a science is a highly depend on mathematics. We can attain desirable targets only if we have a calculating attitude. It is the need of the time that a common agriculturist should be so calculated as to be able to compare the amount of return he is likely to get by putting in his labour and money.

 In agriculture we have to make various land measurements and for this purpose a knowledge of mathematics is essential. Thus we find a lot of correlation between Mathematics and Agriculture.

§   Correlation between Mathematics and other Sciences

 We have discussed the correlation between certain branches of science and mathematics in the preceding paragraph but science is a very wide subject and it includes many subjects. Mathematic has played a very important role in building our Civilization by perfecting all Sciences. Mathematics is the science of all Sciences and art of all arts. Are most are branches of science have a great deal to do with mathematics. Graph and chart, curves etc. all are based on principles of mathematics. In Astronomy and Hydromechanics, it is the principle of mathematics that works. Thus, we can say that there is a lot of correlation between science and mathematics.

§   Correlation between Mathematics and Social science

Though the relationship between mathematics and social science is not very strong yet it is quite strong. In Social Sciences we come across graphs, charts, curves etc. thus we can say that Social Sciences draw a lot from mathematics.

 The views of some thinkers on this relationship are quoted below:

" The Social Sciences mathematically developed are to be the controlling factors in civilization " W. F. White

" All great scientific discoveries are but the reward of patient, pains taking shifting of numerical data "- Lord Kelvin

" Analytical and graphical treatment of statistics is employed by The Economist, the philanthropist, the business expert, the actuary and even the physician, with the most surprisingly valuable results, while symbolic language involving mathematical methods has become a part of Well-nigh in every large business " L. Karpinsky

 Today collection of statistics is very important for Social Sciences. Without these statistics it is not possible to have a character study of any subject. It is mathematics that provides these statistics. In fact, that statistics is nothing but an integral part of mathematics. In the following lines we shall try to assess the correlation between different Social Sciences and mathematics.

§   Correlation between mathematics and economics

         In Economics, mathematical principles and language is freely used to describe and interpret to social phenomena.

         According to Marshall " the direct application of mathematical reasoning to the discovery of economic truths has recently rendered great services in the hands of Master mathematician"

         In economic we study the earning and spending factors of a society, population, production etc. In Economics statistics plays an important role. The application of statistical methods is most helpful in economic forecasts. Trade cycles, Trends of exports and imports, volume of trade etc. all are presented statistically the theory of probability applied to Assurance is simply a mathematician of economic problem. The word constant, average, ratio, variable etc. are used by every magazine, periodical that deals with Economic problems. These are actually mathematical terms which are used in mathematics.

         The Businessman who is a leader in the field of Economics has to face problems involving simple and compound interest, installment payments and accounting. He makes use of statistical methods for making economic forecasts.

         The correlation between mathematics and economics is so vast that now a days in many a university, a course in Advanced Mathematics is included as a part of degree courses in economics. This is because of the fact that mathematics plays an important part in economics.

§   Correlation between mathematics and psychology

 Without using mathematics psychology is only a flight of imagination.

         In the works of Herbert " it is not only possible but necessary that mathematics be applied to psychology ".

         Utility of psychology has increased tremendously in the modern world because of application of mathematics in the study of psychology. Various statistical methods are being used to interpret the psychological data and experimental psychology has become highly mathematical as it deals with intelligence quotient, standard deviation, mean, mode, coefficient of correlation etc.

For example,

I. Q.=  M.A    X  100


 Where abbreviations have their usual meanings.



§    Correlation between mathematics and logic

         Logic is the scientific study of the conditions of accurate thinking and valid influence. All laws of logic are based on experiments and verification. D' Alombert says, " geometry is a practical logic, because in it rules of reasoning are applied in the most simple and sensible manner ". Mathematics is the only field of knowledge where the logical laws can be applied and results verified without any personal bias.

W. C. D. Whetham " mathematics is but the higher development of symbolic logic ".

C. J. Keyser " symbolic logic is Mathematics; Mathematics is symbolic logic ".

Pascal says. " Logic has borrowed the rules of geometry. The method of avoiding error is sought by everyone. The logicians profess to lead the way, the geometers alone reach it, and aside from their science there is no true demonstration ".

         Logic makes us exact and systematic in use of our language while mathematics makes us exact and systematic when we translate these thoughts into action. A person having a sound knowledge of logic cannot be led astray by any jugglery of facts in mathematics and vice versa.

§    Correlation between mathematics and philosophy

         According to Herbert " the real finisher of our education is philosophy but it is the office of mathematics to ward off the dangers of philosophy ".  Philosophy deals with abstract ideas. Mathematics tries to draw attention on the ideas that are practicable and worthwhile. According to A.N. Whitehead " philosophers when they have possessed a thorough knowledge of mathematics, have been among those who have enriched the science with some of its best ideas ". Mathematics helps the philosophers in shifting truth from falsehood, attainable from the unattainable, facts from fiction and so on.

 According to J.S. Mill " Mathematics will ever remain the most perfect type of Deductive method in general; and applications of Mathematics to the simpler the branches of Physics, furnish the only school in which philosophers can effectively learn the most difficult and important portion of their act, the employment of the laws of the simpler phenomena for explaining and predicting those of the more complex ".

 Though to a common man it appears that there can't be any relationship between such widely different branches of knowledge, but the fact is that mathematics occupies a central place between neutral philosophy and mental philosophy. Philosophers find orderly and systematic achievements of unambiguous truths. The philosopher can really on mathematics. Truly speaking, it is the mathematical development of sciences that saved philosophy from degenerating into pure sensationalism and imagination.

§    Correlation between mathematics and fine arts

         Mathematics is the pivot of all arts. An object is beautiful when depicted in correct geometrical proportions. That why the Greeks, the greatest geometers of the age, where are so successful in Arts sculpture. Mathematics itself is a great art of study of harmony and symmetry. The following views Express the relationship between mathematics and fine arts.

Leibnitz " Music is a hidden exercise in Arithmetic of a mind and conscious of dealing with numbers ".

 Pythagoras " Where harmony is, there numbers ".

John Arbuthnot " truth is the same thing to the understanding as music to the ear and beauty to the eye "

         The concept of mathematics light geometric shapes, symmetry, translation, tessellation, proportion etc. can beach seen in various art forms. The famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci" Mona Lisa " was drawn using Golden rectangle. Music and dance are two art forms which essentially include mathematics. The basic concept of music, ' Swarasthana' is determined by proportions. The whole number proportion of Sa re gama pa dha ni sa are repeated to be 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45 and 48. The musical instruments are constructed based on mathematical ideas. In dance, every step (rhythm) is a number which follows a specific pattern and symmetry. One can say different mathematical shapes and concepts like a straight line, right angle, parabola, parallel line, etc. In hand movements in different dance form.

§    Correlation between mathematics and geography

 Geography deals with the study of physical conditions of a particular country or society. It deals with the study of rivers, canals, mountains, population etc. In this we also try to heights and draw charts and graphs. In all these, mathematics plays a prominent role. Thus, there is a great application of mathematics in geography. The areas of the earth's longitude and latitude, calculation of time at various places, rotation of the earth leading to the formation of days and nights and Seasons, moments of winds, falling of rains, factors influencing climate of a region etc. all depend upon mathematical calculations. Mathematics helps in drawing and understanding of maps. Graphs of various kinds are frequently used in geography.

         Relief maps are based purely on mathematics. Geology 2 considered as a separate branch of science influences Geography to a very large extent.  The geological studies are not possible without the proper use of mathematical knowledge.

§    Correlation between mathematics and history

         The relationship between mathematics and history is reciprocal. History helps mathematics to know about various mathematician who were pioneers in their field and enriched Mathematics by their contributions. History also provides the information about the origin and development of mathematics.

         Mathematics helps history in regards to calculation of dates and days etc. Of various Historical events. Does there is a close contribution between mathematics and history.


§    Correlation between mathematics and drawing

         In drawing we come across many a branch such as a geometrical drawing, memory drawing, figure drawing etc. In geometrical drawing various principles of geometry and frequently used does we find a close correlation between drawing and mathematics. If we consider it the other way round we find that a good drawing is needed to draw a good geometrical figures in the study of mathematics. The exactness of a figure can be measured only with the help of mathematics.

§    Correlation between mathematics and languages

 No subject can be taught without the help of language. This is also true of mathematics. The principles of mathematics are expressed through the medium of language. Thus, it is the language that helps mathematics. Is the language that is spoken in the mathematics class or written in a book is not correct, the exact idea of the subject-matter shall not be conveyed. This shall have a wrong impression on the mind of students.

         Justice language help mathematics also there is the story of mathematics helping the language. Teaching of mathematics develops an attitude of exactness in the students. This exactitude help them to write the language correctly. Thus, it may be said that the relationship between the two is quite significant.

§    Mathematics in nature

         Mathematical concepts like symmetry, similarity, Fibanacci series, Golden Ratio, proportion, different geometrical shapes and sizes are found in nature. The concepts of symmetry and similarity can be observed in the butterflies, flowers, leaves etc. The nautilus shell follows the concept of Golden ratio, it can be observed in the human body also. The beehives are always hexagonal in shape. The branches of trees, arrangement of petals in a sunflower, pineapple etc. include the Fibonacci series. The mathematics in nature cannot be exclusively listed.


Correlation of mathematics with daily life

§    Correlation teaching of mathematics with other aspects of life

         Mathematics cannot be taught in isolation. Utility of this subject is no confined to the classroom of the school only. It has an important bearing on various aspects of life. As far as possible, while teaching mathematics, a reference should be made to its use in actual life. Whenever we go out for shopping and purchase certain things, we get the measured and weighted. In this activity, it is the mathematics that plays its role. The student should, therefore, be explained the utility of mathematics in practical life. The teacher of mathematics issued also try to explain to the students the practical application of the principles of mathematics. He may also show that big electrical installation and bridges etc., and explain to the students that all these has been made possible only with the help of mathematics. This would impress upon them the utility of the subject matter of the life and the correlation between actual life and mathematics. This would be scientific as well as an interesting method.

         Mathematics is an indispensable part of our daily life. One starts a day by using mathematics when he adjusts his time for various activities, so that he can join his duty at the right time. While calculating wages, planning the expenses, estimating the balance, buying or selling things, doing banking etc. mathematics is used in one or another form.

         Even a housewife applies Mathematics by preparing the family budget. The taste of food depends on the appropriate quantity or ratio of the ingredients it needs. The total quality of food prepared in a home is proportional to the number of family members and the amount each member requires. In order situations we can see the application of mathematical concepts.

         Our leisure time activities are also related with mathematical knowledge. An individual to whatever field he belongs- agriculture, carpentry, tailoring, business, banking, share market - use the knowledge of mathematics at each and every second of his life. In this Complex society, it is sugar that a person who is weak in mathematics will easily be cheated. In our day-to-day communication, we use mathematical language to make our ideas clear and precise. Thus, mathematics is in every sphere of life.


·            Evolution of Mathematics as a discipline: Development as a science, History of Mathematics from ancient period to 20th century

History of mathematics gives a detailed description of the main trends in the development of mathematics throughout the ages. Knowledge of history of mathematics is essential for teachers and students of mathematics

 Teaching of history of mathematics helps us in the following ways:

·       For proper understanding of the subject.

·       For getting knowledge about all happenings in the area of mathematics.

·       For getting a knowledge of time sequence.

·       For developing interest in mathematics study.

·       For having an idea about history of Civilization

·       For knowing the independence of the subject.

·       For knowing the practical value of mathematics in our life.

·       For developing appreciation of the contribution f great mathematician


A general review of the history of mathematics from the time of origin of human life

·       It was explained there that it was from the regular shapes of objects, rhythm in the arrangement of many natural phenomena and the systematic rotation of planets etc. that man began a feeling a sense of mathematical intuition.

·       When man faced the problem of comparing lengths, he used his organs for the purpose as indicated by his using the width of two fingers (inch), the span of the palm, the distance between the left end of the left hand and right end of the right hand when they are stretched., the length of a foot etc.

·       The study of mathematics as a “demonstrative discipline” begins in the 6th century BC with the, Pythagoreans, who coined the term “mathematics” from the ancient Greek meaning” subject of instruction”.

·       The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes was able to calculate the Earth’s diameter using a rod stuck in the ground and the rule of three. And he did it several centuries before it was demonstrated that the planet is round.

·       Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a mathematics teacher in Austria, was the first to state that orbits of planets were not circular round the sun, but elliptical.

·       The mathematics that we know in the modern world has its roots in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Babylonia.

·       Then it was developed in Greece, China and in India..


Ancient Mathematics


·       Sumerian and Babylonian mathematics was based on a sexagesimal or base 60 numeric system.

3000 B.C.E

·       The Egyptians were the first people to develop a numerical system that was based on the number 10.

·       Hieroglyphic numerals developed in Egypt.

300 B.C.E

·       The major Greek progress in Mathematics

·       During this era, Euclid wrote the Elements, a compilation of theorems, axioms in Algebra and postulates and theorems in Geometry

·       With this he gained the title, FATHER OF GEOMETRY.

200 B.C.E

·       Archimedes derived a range of formulas in Geometry including the area of circle, surface area and volume of sphere and the area under a parabola

140 B.C.E

·       Trigonometry of Hipparchus developed

·       He is considered as the founder of Trigonometry

Middle Ages

830 C.E

·       Arabic Algebra and Indian numerals came to western Europe through the writings of Muhammed ibn Musa Al- Khwarizmi

·       One of his principal achievements in algebra was his demonstration of how to solve quadratic equations by completing the square, for which he provided geometric justifications.

·       He was the first to treat algebra as an independent discipline and introduced the methods of “reduction” and “balancing” (the transposition of subtracted terms to the other side of an equation, that is, the cancellation of like terms on opposite sides of the equation)

·       He has been described as the Father of Founder of Algebra

·       The term Algebra itself comes from the title of his book (the word Al- Jabr meaning “completion” or “rejoining”)

1202 C.E

·       Leonardo of Pisa, also called Fibonacci, wrote Liber Abaci, a book filled with arithmetical and algebraic information which he had collected during his travels

·       The best-known contribution of Hindu Mathematics to Modern mathematics was the decimal position system.

1489 C.E

·       Johannes Widmann was a German Mathematician. The + and – symbols were first appeared in his book Mercantile Arithmetic.

1514 C.E

·       Vander Hoecke was the first to use the + and – signs in writing algebraic expressions

Modern Era

17th Century

·       John Napier and others greatly extended the power of mathematics as a calculatory science with his discovery of logarithms.(1614)

1619 C.E

·       Rene Descartes invented cartesian coordinate system and developed analytic geometry.

1629 C.E

·       Fermat together with Pascal began mathematical study of probability.

·       Pascal invented Pascaline and an early mechanical calculator

Pascal is also known for Pascal’s triangle.

1736 C.E

·       The most important mathematician of 18th century was Leonhard Euler who started the graph theory and differential geometry.


·       Carl Friedrich Gauss German mathematician, generally regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time of his contributions to number theory, probability theory, planetary and the theory of functions.

·       In 1799, he proved the fundamental theorem of algebra


·       John Venn introduced Venn diagram this became a useful tool in set theory

1975 C.E

·       Benoit Mandelbrot introduced the theory of Fractals. He published the Fractal Geometry of Nature in 1982.

·       According to him Fractal is “ a ruff or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts each of which at least approximately a reduced size copy of the all”

·       The branch Fractal Geometry in mathematics is coming under measure theory.

Development of Number system

35000 BCE



First notched tally bones

2700 BCE



Earliest fully-developed base 10 number system in use

2600 BCE



Multiplication tables geometrical exercises and division problems




First decimal numeration system with place value concept

  • ·       Pythagoras is known as Father of Mathematics
  • ·       Egyptians used lotus flowers to represent 1000

·       Our measurement of time is based on : sexagesimal number system

?      Development of mathematics is the Development of Civilization- critically evaluate

?      Development of mathematics as a science

?      History of mathematics from ancient period to 20th century

?      Explain the contributions of mathematicians in different century

 Major contributions of Renowned Indian Mathematicians


·       He gave the formula for the volume of a pyramid as one third of the product of the base area and height.

·       He suggested the use of letters to represent unknown.

·    Aryabhatta worked on the approximation for pi(π), and may have come to the conclusion that π is irrational.

·     He gave the identity (a+b)^2= a^2+2ab+b^2

·       He declared that number of days for a year is 365.3586. Modern scientist confirmed it as 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 second.

·       He explained how to find square root and cube root.

·       He gave the formula for the area of triangle.

·       He gave the formula for the area of circle.

·       In his memory and honour the first satellite launched on the space by india was given the name Aryabhatta.

Bhaskaracharya II

·       Known as Bhaskara II to avoid confusion with Bhaskara I.

·       Bhaskaracharya wrote 'Sidhanta Siromani'. It is divided into four namely Lilavati, Vijaganit, Goladhyaya and Grahganit.

·       For the first time he introduced the idea that dividing a number by zero will result in infinity.

·       A proof of the Pythagorean Theorem by calculating the same area in two different ways and then cancelling out terms to get a^2+b^2=c^2

·       In Lilavati, solutions of quadratic, cubic and quartic indeterminate equation are explained.

·     Solutions of indeterminate quadratic equations (of the type ax^2+b =y^2 )

·       Solved quadratic equations with more than one unknown, and found negative and irrational solutions.

·       Calculated the derivatives of trigonometric functions and formula.


·       Bhaskaracharya designated Brahmagupta as “ Gem of the circle of mathematicians" (Ganitha Chakra Chudamani”).

·       He was the first mathematician to provide the formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral.

·       His work the “Brahmasphudsidhanta” contained many mathematical findings written in verse form. It had many rules of arithmetic which is part of the mathematical solutions now. These are  “  positive number multiplied by positive number is positive”  ,  “ A negative number multiplied by a positive number is negative”   ,   “ A negative number multiplied by a negative number is positive”.

Srinivasa Ramanujan

·       1729 is known as the Ramanujan number. It is the sum of the cubes of two numbers 10 and 9. For instance, 1729 results from adding 1000 (the cube of 10) and 729 (the cube of 9). This is the smallest number that can be expressed in two different ways as it is the sum of these two cubes  (1^3 +12^3, 9^3+10^3). Interestingly, 1729 is a natural number following 1728 and preceding 1730.

·       He also discovered the properties of the partition function.

·       Goldbach’s conjecture is on of the important illustration of Ramanujan’s contribution. The statement is that “Every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of two primes”. Ramanujan and his associates founded that “Every large integer could be written as the sum of 4 primes” (43=2+5+17+19)


Major contributions of Renowned International Mathematicians

Euclid (Father of geometry)

·       Euclid was an ancient Greek mathematician from Alexandria who is best known for his major work, “Elements”

·       Euclid proved that √2 (the square root of 2) is an irrational number

·       Euclid’s axioms

o   It is possible to draw a straight line from any point to any point

o   It is possible to extend a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.

o   It is possible to create a circle with any center and distance(radius).

o   The whole is greater than a part.


·      He invented the terms odd and even.

·      He discovered that any odd number (say 2n+1) can be expressed as the difference of two squares: 2n+1 =  (n+1)^2- n^2

·      Pythagoras Theorem

·      Pythagoras discovered harmonic progression in the music scale.

George Cantor

·       He is best known as the inventor of set theory.

·       For Cantor, sets are collection of objects that can have finite or infinite elements

·       Major works by George Cantor includes uncountable sets, the Cantor set, infinite set, convergent series, number theory and function theories,

He defined the cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic. 

·            Role of Mathematics in school curriculum in India- Recommendations of various Committees and commissions (NPE, NCF, KCF)


NPE 1968

·        The major reform in curriculum for all stages of school education came after NPE 1968 as per the report of Kothari commission

·        A common curriculum for class 1 to X was prepared at national level with adjustments according to local needs

·        General maths was compulsory subject upto class X and at secondary level an advance mathematics was there as optional subject

·        General maths- Arithmetic, geometry, simple algebra

·        Advance maths- integers, quadratic equation, logarithm, coordinates geometry

·        “Education will have to be streamlined to facilitate modernization of production, services and infrastructure. Besides, to enable the young people to develop enterprisal ability, they must be exposed to challenges of new ideas, old concepts have to be replaced by new ones in an effort to overcome the resource constraint and input dynamism”

·        At UP level

      Numbers, fractions, decimal fractions, money, measurement, idea of simple geometry, unitary method, simple interest-ratio proportion

·        At secondary level

      Number system, sets, irrational number, complex number- Indices and logarithm, Algebra- expression, equalities, factors, quadratic equations, geometry-theorems, properties, proofs and application- mensuration, Discount- shares-graphs-compound interest- Banking- introduction to Trigonometry, Statistics

NCF 2005

·        For class I to V

      Geometry (shapes and spatial understanding), Number and operation, Mental Arithmetic, Money, Measurement, Data handling, Pattern

·        For class VI to VIII

      Number system and playing with numbers, Algebra (introduction and expression), Ratio and proportions, Geometry (basic ideas 2D and 3D) understanding shapes, symmetry, construction, mensuration, Data handling- introduction to graphs

·        For class IX to X

      Number system


      Co-ordinate Geometry



      Statistics and probability


·        According to the NCF 2005 , the main goal of mathematics education in school is the “Mathematisation” of a child’s thinking

·        The NCF envisions school mathematics as taking place in a situation when

1.    Children learn to enjoy mathematics rather than fear it

2.    Children learn “important” mathematics which is more than formulas and mechanical procedures

3.    Children see mathematics as something to talk about to communicate through to discuss among themselves to work together on

4.    Children pose and solve meaningful problems

5.    Teachers are expected to engage every child in class with the conviction that very one can learn mathematics

The NCF also list the challenges facing mathematics education in our school are

1.    A sense of fear and failure regarding mathematics among a majority of children

2.    A curriculum that disappoints both a talented minority as well as the non-participating majority of the same time. 

3.    Lack of teacher preparation and support in teaching of mathematics

4.    Crude methods of assessment that encourage the perception of mathematics as mechanical computation problems, exercise, methods of evaluation are mechanical and repetitive with too much emphasis on computation

The NCF recommends

·        Shifting the focus of mathematics educations from achieving ‘narrow’ goals of mathematical content to ‘higher’ goals of crediting mathematical learning environments where process like formal problem solving, use of heuristics, estimation and approximation optimization, use of patterns, visualization representation, reasoning and proof making connections and mathematical communication …

·        Engaging every student with a sense of success while t the same time offering conceptual challenges to the emerging mathematician

·        Changing models of assessment to examine students mathematisation abilities rather than procedural knowledge

·        Enriching teachers with a variety of mathematical resources

Organisation of the curriculum

·        Pre- Primary

      All learning occurs through play rather than didactic communication

      Rather than the rote learning of number sequence, children need to learn and understand, is in the context of small sets, the connection between counting and quantity

·        Primary

      Having children develop a positive attitude towards and linking for mathematics at the primary stage is as important as developing cognitive skills and concepts.

      Mathematical games, puzzles and stories developing a +ve attitude and in making connections between mathematics and everyday thinking.

      Besides numbers and number operation the importance must be given to shapes, special understanding, patterns measurement and data handling

·        Upper Primary

      Here students get the first taste of the application of forceful abstract concepts that compress previous teaching and experience

      This enables them to revisit and considerable basic concepts and skills learnt at the primary stage, when is essential from the point of view of achieving universal mathematical literacy

·        Secondary

      Students now begin to perceive the structure of mathematics as discipline

      They become familiar with the characteristics of mathematical communication carefully defined terms and concepts

      the use of symbols to represent them precisely stated propositions and proofs justifying particularly in the area of geometry

·        Higher Secondary

      The aim of mathematics curriculum at this stage is to provide students with an appreciation of the wide variety of the application of mathematics and equip them with basic tools that enable such application  

·        Assessment

      Board examination be restricted.

      So that the minimum eligibility for a state certificate is numerically, reducing the instance of failure in mathematics


KCF (2007)

·      Social Justice

·      Awareness on environment

·      Citizenship

·      Awareness of science and technology

·      Nationalism 

·      Awareness of one’s right

·      Scientific temper

·      Cultural identity

·      Vocational skills

·      Resistance

·      Construction of knowledge

·      Critical Education


·      To analyze and interpret the world on the basis of numbers

·      We present the numerical relations inherent   in natural phenomena through algebraic equation

·      It becomes possible to arrive at minute forms of knowledge and accurate predictions from this angles

·      Maths is a numeric- centered language

·      Maths has an independent logical trajectory other than the practical numerical calculations

Why do we learn mathematics?

·     Mathematics that is required in daily life   Eg: Basic calculations, percentage, measurements.

·     Useful for higher studies. E.g.: Trigonometry, statistical data interpretations, algebra and geometry

·     Deeper ideas into the complex details of mathematics E.g.: Proof of geometrical principles

Direct, Concrete experience👈👉Explanation through language

 👆👇           👆👇     

Formulating ideas using pictures👈👉Making  use of mathematical symbols